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ABSTRAKSI: <font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">Keinginan manusia akan komunikasi yang fleksibel memberikan tantangan</p> <p align="left">kepada para pengembang sistem </p> <p align="left">telekomunikasi. Manusia menginginkan sebuah komunikasi yang cepat, tampa batas dan</p> <p align="left">berteknologi tinggi. Untuk itu dikembangkan sebuah teknologi yang sering kita dengar</p> <p align="left">dengan istilah CDMA (</p> <p align="left">teknologi, manusia menuntut sebuah komunikasi dengan teknologi yang lebih tinggi.</p> <p align="left">Karena tuntutan manusia tersebut maka diluncurkan sebuah teknologi baru yang dapat</p> <p align="left">menjawab semua permasalahan komunikasi. Teknologi tersebut dikenal dengan istilah</p> <p align="left">WCDMA (</p> <p align="left">Karena </p> <p align="left">mekanisme </p> </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">seluler </font><font face="Times New Roman">untuk mengembangkan teknologi</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">Code Division Multiple Access</font><font face="Times New Roman">). Semakin berkembangnya</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">Wideband Code Division Multiple Access</font><font face="Times New Roman">).</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">mobilitas </font><font face="Times New Roman">yang tinggi dan </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">intensitas </font><font face="Times New Roman">trafik yang beragam maka dibutuhkan</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">soft handover </font><font face="Times New Roman">yang baik, sehingga dapat mengurangi </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">probabilitas blocking</font><font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">dan </p> <p align="left">mempengaruhi performansi dari sebuah jaringan </p> </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">dropping </font><font face="Times New Roman">dalam jaringan. </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">Soft Handover </font><font face="Times New Roman">adalah salah satu faktor yang sangat</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">wireless</font><font face="Times New Roman">. Dengan baiknya mekanisme</font><em><font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">soft handover </p> <p align="left">berkomunikasi sehingga performansi dari jaringan tersebut akan meningkat.</p> <p align="left">Penggunaan algoritma </p> <p align="left">mengoptimalkan keterbatasan </p> <p align="left">algoritma </p> <p align="left">probabilitas </p> <p align="left">channel reservation</p> <p align="left">menurunnya </p> </font><font face="Times New Roman">sebuah jaringan </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">wireless </font><font face="Times New Roman">maka </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">user </font><font face="Times New Roman">akan merasakan kenyamanan dalam</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">preemptive </font><font face="Times New Roman">dapat meningkatkan performansi dengan</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">bandwidth </font><font face="Times New Roman">layanan. Hasil dari penelitian bahwa dengan</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">preemptive </font><font face="Times New Roman">dapat menurunkan probabilitas </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">blocking </font><font face="Times New Roman">rata-rata sebesar 2 %,</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">dropping </font><font face="Times New Roman">rata-rata sebesar 11.73 % jika dibandingkan dengan algoritma </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">fix</font><font face="Times New Roman">, tetapi terdapat pen</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">delay</font><font face="Times New Roman">an pada data </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">e-mail </font><font face="Times New Roman">yang berakibat</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">throughput e-mail </font><font face="Times New Roman">rata-rata sebesar 50 %. Penurunan probabilitas </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">dropping</font><font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">dan </p> <p align="left">akan komunikasi suara yang nyaman dan tidak terputus. Penundaan pada </p> <p align="left">ditolelir karena </p> </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">blocking </font><font face="Times New Roman">sangat meningkatkan performansi jaringan karena kebutuhan konsumen</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">e-mail </font><font face="Times New Roman">dapat</font><em><font face="Times New Roman">e-mail </font><font face="Times New Roman">merupakan data </font><em><font face="Times New Roman">non real time</font><font face="Times New Roman">.</font></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em></em>Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: <font face="Times New Roman"> <p align="left">Desire of human being to have flexible communication gives a challenge for</p> <p align="left">cellular system provider to develop a telecommunication technology. People wants a fast</p> <p align="left">communication, infinite and high technology, to make it happen, CDMA (Code Division</p> <p align="left">Multiple Access) is the answer. The more technologies develop the more people need a</p> <p align="left">higher technology in communication, WCDMA (Wideband CDMA) is the answer to solve</p> <p align="left">all the problem people have in communication.</p> <p align="left">Because high mobility and traffic intensity, the good soft handover mechanism is</p> <p align="left">so needed that can pushing down blocking probability and dropping for the network, Soft</p> <p align="left">Handover is the one of the factor that can influence performance in wireless network, so</p> <p align="left">user will enjoy the communication and performance of that network will increase.</p> <p align="left">Using preemptive algorithm can push up the performance by optimizing limitation</p> <p align="left">of service bandwidth, result of handover model using Preemptive algorithm is decreasing</p> <p align="left">voice dropping probability by 11.73 % and decreasing voice blocking probability by 2 %</p> <p align="left">compare to fix channel reservation algorithm, but there are delay in email data that causing</p> <p align="left">decrease of email throughput average equal to 50%, Decreasing of blocking and dropping</p> <p align="left">probability can improve network performance because consumer necessity in voice</p> <p align="left">communication will run comfort, the delay on email data can be tolerate because email is</p> <p align="left">non-real-time data.</p> </font>Keyword: -

Koleksi & Sirkulasi

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Sofia Naning Hertiana, Kris Sujatmoko


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2007


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi