Informasi Umum




004.6 - Data communications, computer communications


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Jaringan Multimedia

Informasi Lainnya


ABSTRAKSI: Dalam dunia telekomunikasi, perkembangan teknologi Next Generation Network (NGN) menawarkan dan megoptimalkan berbagai alternatif yang ada dengan memperkenalkan IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Jaringan IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) merupakan arsitektur jaringan yang memungkinkan pemusatan data dan suara melalui suatu infrastruktur berbasis Internet Protocol (IP). Selain mengatur session yang muncul di setiap layanan, jaringan IMS juga mengintegrasikan layanan multimedia pada jaringan bergerak dan tetap<br><br> Jaringan IMS dapat digunakan untuk mengaplikasikan layanan triple play. Triple play adalah suatu konvergensi atau bundling layanan voice, data dan video on demand pada infrastruktur network akses tunggal. Layanan triple play sebagai layanan berbasis TV dengan bandwidth memadai dan berbasis PC yang dinamis, yang secara bersamaan tidak mengganggu penyediaan layanan telephony termasuk fitur didalamnya. Diyakini, layanan triple-play mampu menjadi solusi bagi penyelenggara telekomunikasi. Dalam tugas akhir ini telah dilakukan perancangan dan simulasi layanan triple play di jaringan IMS. Setelah itu, performansi jaringan dianalisis dengan parameter-parameter Quality of Service (QoS) yang meliputi delay, packet loss, dan throughput.<br><br> Hasil analisis dari simulasi diperoleh bahwa nilai delay, dan packet loss, sebelum penambahan background traffic dan setelah penambahan background traffic mengalami peningkatan, sedangkan throughput mengalami penurunan. Background traffic mengakibatkan kapasitas link menjadi penuh. Akan tetapi secara keseluruhan besarnya delay, packet loss, dan throughput masih memenuhi standar ITU-T. <br><br>Kata Kunci : IMS, Triple Play, Voice, Video, Data, Delay, Packet loss, danABSTRACT: In the telecommunications, development of Next Generation Network (NGN) technology offer and optimize various alternatives that exist by introducing IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) network is a network architecture that enables convergence of data, voice and mobile network technologies through an infrastructure based on Internet Protocol (IP). In addition to set the session that appears for each service, IMS network also integrating various multimedia services for mobile and fixed access network.<br><br> IMS network can be used to triple play services. Triple play is a convergence or service bundling of voice, data and video on demand on a single access network infrastructure. Triple-play services as a TV based service with adequate bandwidth and dynamic PC-based services, that simultaneously do not disturb the provision of telephony services including features in there. It is believed that triple play services can be a solution for telecommunications carriers. At this final assignment, the design and simulation of triple play services on IMS networks have been made. After the simulation, network performance will be analyzed using Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as delay, packet loss, and throughput.<br><br> The results of the simulation analysis shows that the value of delay, and packet loss, before the addition of background traffic and after the addition of background traffic is increased, while the throughput is decreased. Background traffic makes link capacity full. However, overall the amount of delay, packet loss, and throughput still meet the ITU-T standard.Keyword: IMS, Triple Play Voice, Video, Data, Delay, Packet Loss, and

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Nama Prima Auditia S.
Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Sofia Naning Hertiana, Leanna Vidya Yovita


Nama Universitas Telkom
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2010


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
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