Informasi Umum




658.8 - Marketing, Management of Distribution/Marketing, Manajemen Distribusi


Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference


Marketing - Managementt


27 kali

Informasi Lainnya


Motorcycles for most of the people in Indonesia especially in Bekasi is the main of transportation, this happens because of the higher number of transportations needs to support the mobility, besides the motorcycles are also claimed to be faster and efficient. Motorcycles not only seen as a vehicle, but also as a lifestyle like Kawasaki Ninja 250, one of products from Kawasaki Company. Kawasaki is one of the leading brands of PT. Kawasaki Motor Indonesia which is a company engaged in manufacturing, supplying spare parts, and accessories from two-wheeled vehicles. There are several factors that can influence the decision buying process, this can happen because the rapid advancement of motorcycle and information technology that causes competition among factories to attract increasingly stringent consumer interest. Therefore, in this paper aims to find out the factors that could influence people in Bekasi in the decision process of purchasing Kawasaki Ninja 250. The research using purposive sampling technique method. The research results show that variable Product method used is using Factor Analysis method with data collection techniques through interviews and questionnaires. The sample in this study are people who lives in Bekasi and using Kawasaki Ninja 250 as many as 100 respondents were selected by Performance, Society, Motivation, and Compatibility has a positive significant to influence people in Bekasi to buy a Kawasaki Ninja 250.

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Jenis Perorangan
Penyunting Achmad Manshur Ali Suyanto


Nama Universitas Telkom, S1 International Ict Business
Kota Bandung
Tahun 2020


Harga sewa IDR 0,00
Denda harian IDR 0,00
Jenis Non-Sirkulasi