Students of computer science in the world have the same problem of learning basic
programming. Many of students difficulties in solving the different problems with
the same algorithm solution. Students may easier to understand the syntax and
intent of the statement coding programming language, however to apply them in
the correct program code is difficult. The effectiveness method of learning
introductory programming is live code method. In this research discussed on the
development of live code method in programming learning platform based on
heuristic approach that called CIDEC Platform as a solution to help student learn
programming easier. This platform can help lecturer to make a live code question
with own perspective and student can answer question with live code feature
without install anything. For platform development, it used iterative and
incremental method made in four iteration by involving business modelling,
requirement analysis, analysis and design, implementation, and testing. Platform
based web application is built with by using concept Model-View-Template
(MVT) which utilize Python programming language within Django Framework
and MySQL database. The live code compiler built with by using Java
Development Kit and Ace Editor. The result of research is Live Code Module in
Programming Learning Platform. For further research, focus development can
develop by upgrade the case sensitive, add a type of question livecode can compile
or shown to student and free live code area. So, lecturer can make a diverse
questions of livecode,such as compare method,check the logic and check a return
type. Student can do coding without specific course.
Keywords— Live code, CIDEC Platform, heuristic , iterative and incremental