Aulia Sari is the only business entity that produces seaweed dodol in Java island. Dodol sales number in West Java is quite high because it is one of the typical souvenirs of West Java. Seaweed dodol Aulia Sari with many benefits offered from seaweed, did not get a big selling number in Bandung as the city where the business entity is established. This research is intended to improve the product quality of seaweed dodol to increase customer satisfaction level using integration of Kano method and Product Quality dimension. Advantages of using Kano and dimensions of product quality in product development has been proven in several previous studies to improve the product performance. This study uses 4 product quality dimensions that have been adapted to the product in the form of food and 22 variable of products quality derived from the Voice of the Customer and integrated with Kano method. The purpose of this study is to get what factors are going to be maintained, improved or removed from seaweed dodol products of Aulia Sari SME.