Analysis of EWOM (Electronic Word of Mouth) in Social Media KASKUS on Purchasing Intention Premium Player Items. (study on the game Line Lets Get rich)


Informasi Dasar

131 kali
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Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

The development of information technology is going rapidly these days. So does the development of internet technology that let people with high mobility to communicate easily anywhere and anytime. Instant messaging is one of the alternative media that is used by most people to communicate with others that are using internet technology. In the marketing dynamics, consumers are always looking for more reference and trust the opinions of the community about a product. This phenomenon in terms of marketing is often referred to as word-of-mouth (WOM). Despite the rapid growth of internet users during the recent years in Indonesia, Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) still not yet popular among gamers. With the advantages given by EWOM, there are still few customers who do not wanted to use this facility with some consideration. The factors which influence purchase intention may vary among any researches. Therefore, this research is intended to analyze the dimensions of EWOM in social media kaskus on purchasing intention, in this case Let's Get Rich in Bandung in 2015. The purpose of this research is to determine the dimension of EWOM and Purchase Intention applied by Let's Get Rich user, and dimensions of EWOM influence Purchase Intention in Bandung. There are three dimensions being used in this research. The dimensions are Intensity, Valence of Opinion, and Content. The data were collected using Criterion Sampling by choosing the individuals which met the certain characteristics, in this case let's get rich who ever tried to buy premium items in Bandung. There were 400 respondents were taken in this research, and this research using 28 quetionaire items. The analysis method is by means of descriptive-quantitative analysis and multiple regressions using the program of SPSS ver. 17. Based on the result, all of the three dimensions of EWOM (Intensity, Valence of Opinion, and Content) are affect Purchase Intention as much as 80.3%, the Valence of Opinion dimension has the greatest positive result. Line Messenger should focus and make an improvement on this dimension especially the “Speak favorably” item because the players feels that Let's Get Rich is not as good as the players thought.

Keywords: EWOM, Social Media Kaskus, Purchase Intention




Analysis of EWOM (Electronic Word of Mouth) in Social Media KASKUS on Purchasing Intention Premium Player Items. (study on the game Line Lets Get rich)


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Maya Ariyanti


Universitas Telkom




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