MOVE (Modal Ventura) Program is a university venture capital program invented by Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom for Telkom University students. This program is projected to be a role model in developing entrepreneurship among students & expected to increase the interest of students in building self-contained micro businesses by providing funds as a capital.
This case study research aims to review what MOVE Program as a funding arrangement or venture capital program has done in the previous time in order to build the entrepreneurial skills of its members. Since one of the purpose of this program is to build the students’ (participants) entrepreneurial skills.
There are 3 types of entrepreneurial skills that will be discussed in this research which are technical, business management, & personal entrepreneurial. This research is using qualitative method and respondents of the interview are the members and director of MOVE Program.
After analyzing the findings, it shows that the problem of MOVE Program is lack of mentoring or such activities that can help to build the entrepreneurial skills of members, and also the lack monitoring. And based on the result of the interview with 4 members of MOVE program, there is only 1 person who still continue the business after she joined the program & graduated from the university.
Based on the findings that has been discussed previously, it can be concluded that MOVE has failed to build the entrepreneurial skills of the students. Other than skills, MOVE also has failed to build the mindset of their members to become entrepreneur or continue the business after they graduated and joined the program. Because from 4 respondents as the representative for each batch, there is only 1 person who still continue the business.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Skill, Venture Capital, Start-up Business