The Impact of Website Quality on Information Quality, Value and Loyalty Intentions on E-commerce Website: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016

Pupon Artiono, Maya Ariyanti

Informasi Dasar

270 kali
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 15 B

The growing of internet industry and e-commerce website, then the website is very important role in business activities. E-commerce company that has experienced began to realize that the main determinant of success is not just to have a website and provide lower prices of goods, but also provide e-commerce website service quality. In this research will study the influence of website quality on the quality of the information provided, perceived value as well as the intention to loyal customers (loyalty intentions) of the e-commerce website. Theoretical approach used methods Webqualtm methods where the variable quality of the website that will be studied is composed of Interactivity, Online Completeness, Easy of Use, Entertainment and Trust. Data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling to show a significant degree by the variable quality of the information. Having conducted a survey of 410 respondents, the results of data processing showed that the quality of the website simultaneously significant effect on the quality of information. Each variable quality website significantly influence the quality of information. Information quality significantly influence the perceived value (value), and the value positive effect on loyalty intentions. Based on description analysis note that online completeness is a factor that need to be improved. While the factors that most affect the quality of information is entertainment

Keyword : Website Quality, Information Quality, Value, Loyalty Intentions, E-commerce




The Impact of Website Quality on Information Quality, Value and Loyalty Intentions on E-commerce Website: SCBTII Proceeding Book The 7th Smart Collaboration for Business in Tehcnology and Information Industries, August 15th-16th 2016
ISBN: 978-602-73324-1-6
10p.:pdf file.;703KB


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Pupon Artiono, Maya Ariyanti


Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis - Telkom University




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