Today telecommunication industry situation in Indonesia is dominated by GSM technology, where CDMA technology is becoming less popular. Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, and Tri are GSM operator service providers in Indonesia. User experience is considered as the critical factor in influencing GSM customer’s loyalty, and the existence of corporate image of each GSM operators shows an important relationship on user experience and customer loyalty.
The objectives in this study is to test the partial influencing effect of user experience on customer loyalty and to test the moderation influencing effect of corporate image on user experience and customer loyalty relationship. Five main predictors of user experience have been selected in this research based on literature review. Non probability sampling technique is used in this study, and convenience sampling is also used as one of the type in non probability sampling. The questionnaires were administered through 385 respondents as part of population using digital format questionnaire. Partial least square (PLS) analysis is used to explain the results of questionnaire using SmartPLS 3.2.6.
From the statistical data analysis results, all the items measured in this study are valid and reliable. In the partial least square analysis, the model used in this study had passed the outer model and inner model analysis requirements. It was found that the most partial influential predictor of user experience on customer loyalty is perceived service quality while trustworthiness is the least partial influential predictor. In the moderation influencing effect by corporate image, it was found that trustworthiness is the only influential predictor of user experience on customer loyalty.