Tea RTD (Ready To Drink) is one of the favorite soft drinks that Indonesian consumers enjoy besides mineral water and other fruit-flavored beverages. Based on data from British research company, Euromonitor International, packaging beverage market in Indonesia is very large. Reaching Rp 85 trillion in 2014, up about 15 percent from 2013, the figure is around Rp 73 trillion. Packaging tea has 30 percent of the market, or about Rp 25.5 trillion. Just beaten by the mineral water market. There are several brands of RTD Tea Bottle in Indonesia, every brand has their brand image in customers’ view and has own price for each bottle. From the data, this research is want to know the influence of brand image and product price in purchase decision.
The objective of this research was to measure how much the influence of brand image and product price in purchase decision.
Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 110 customers through on line (using google form). The 110 was selected based on their residence and ever consumed RTD tea bottle. From all questionnaires collected, only 96 customers that according to criteria. The 96-valid data were analyzed by using SPSS
The result showed that brand image and product price are influence on purchase decision. Brand Image affects on Purchase Decision positively and significantly 0.545 and Product Price affects on Purchase Decision positively and significantly 0.274. From the result, the value of brand image (X1) is bigger than product price (X2)
This research suggested to To make a good brand image, company can hold an event like CSR. For the example one of CSR that Teh Botol Sosro could implement is charity event. So, that Teh botol sosro could has good brand image consumer view. And for product price, company should manage the price strategies, by making discount pricing to attract customer to buy Teh Botol Sosro.
Keywords: Brand Image, Product Price, Purchase decision