One of the factors that is listed in indonesian stock exchange is financial sector which one of its sub-sector is banking. one of the bank list is state-owned company bank which mostly part of its ownership is owned by the state. The state-owned company is provided by the economic contribution that provides the goods and services to people welfare.
This research aimed to analyze the impact of the market structure with the control variable is BOPO, CAR, NPL, NPL and growth PDB towards the state-owned company bank's performance period 2012-2016. This research type is a quantitative research by causal and comparative which its sampling method is using purposive sampling with data panel reggression method from four samples of financial report of state-owned company bank that is listed in indonesian stock exchange in 2012-2016.
The result shows that market structure with BOPO, CAR, NPL and Growth PDB there are a significant effect towards ROA.
Keywords : Market structure, Profitability, State-owned company bank, Control Variable, Data Panel Reggression.