Rumah Tempe Indonesia, one of the biggest producer of Tempe in Indonesia, was established based on the desire of KOPTI committee (Indonesian Tempe Tofu Producers Cooperative) Bogor, Indonesian Tempe Forum, and Mercy Corps that want some changes in production process that can be used as references of Ideal production place. Therefore, Rumah Tempe Indonesia was established as a production place that can be seen by anyone especially tempe maker with relatively low cost, simple, easy, and profitable which prioritizes hygienic and environmentally friendly production process. As a pioneer of the establishment of a tempe hygienic production house, Rumah Tempe Indonesia opened its business expansion into Rumah Tempe Zanada which was established in Cibiru Hilir area. In the effort to establish this business expansion, a research study was conducted to ensure that business expansion was feasible. Using literature study and interview as the data collecting method, a feasibility study is conducted on the market, technical, and financial aspects of the establishment of Rumah Tempe Zanada. The results of this study are grouped in each aspect. In the market aspect, it is known that the result of this research is, the company already has a permanent consumer in the form of cooperation with big restaurant in Bandung and marketing the product through supermarket, or traditional market. For technical and technological aspects it has been concluded that equipment and direct labor will continue to increase in line with increasing consumer demand for products. In the financial aspect, with the total of project cost at value Rp765,427,036, the result of IRR is 19% so that the investment plan of new branch establishment is feasible, because the amount of Internal Rate of Return is greater than the MARR amount which is only equal to 10.25%. Estimated Payback Period from Tempe Zanada Home is 4 years, 6 months and 17 days. Meanwhile, the result of the NPV amount of this investment is Rp Rp 260,380,763