An electrical signal is an electrical voltage or current that carries information. The term electrical signal in a circuit can refer to voltage or current. Voltage or often people call with potential differences, is the energy carried out to move a single charge, while an electric current is a change in the speed of a charge with respect to time or charge that flows in units of time.
In a research or scientific project, measurement tools are often needed that can project the form of electrical signals to be seen and studied. One measuring instrument commonly used is the oscilloscope (oscilloscope). Oscilloscopes are usually used to observe the exact wave shape of an electrical signal. This measuring instrument works based on data samples, the higher the data sample, the more accurate the electronic equipment. Oscilloscopes usually have very high data samples, so Oscilloscopes are very expensive electronic measuring devices. If an oscilloscope has a sample rate of 10 Ks / s (10 kilos of sample / second = 10,000 data per second), then this tool will read 10,000 times a second.
From some of the research results that have been converted into electrical voltage(Volt) captured by the Arduino serial monitor, the values range between 0.0 Volts to 5.0 Volts, because the reference voltage used is 5 Volts, the maximum value that can be obtained from this conversion is 5 Volts, because the values obtained are in the range of 0.0 Volts to 5.0 Volts, it can be considered an Arduino MEGA and the activated program and sensor are functioning properly and can be used as oscilloscope.
Keywords: Oscilloscope, Electrical Signal, Portable, Electronic Measuring Instruments.