Stock is a part of the capital market instruments that can be traded. Stock is also one of the ways to increase the company’s fund. Stock is a capital instrument that can be bought by people, who are called investors, in a form of investment.
In investing, investors pay attention to conditions that might bring profits and losses to them. One of the conditions is a pandemic, such as the COVID-19. This condition also affects the investors’ behavior on IDX. The behavior then can be resulting in an abnormal return and the shifting of the volume of stocks being traded.
In addition, this study will be focusing on the stocks of property and real estate companies that are listed on IDX, as pandemics also have a great influence on the property and real estate sub-sector. The property and real estate companies are greatly affected since the condition that is caused by the pandemic is unpredictable, which leads to a significant negative impact on the companies’ performances.
This study will use a quantitative method and event study, by relying on the secondary data that have been published. The event study will be focusing on the 10 days before the event, D-Day of the event, and 10 days after the event. The research will also be supported by the literature study from various theories, books, and journals.
Keywords: Stock, abnormal return, trading volume, property and real estate, COVID-19, event study, quantitative.