Indonesian cable television industry grows very fast, that affects the kean competition among operators.To win the competition, the operators need to be very innovative. PT Telkom, Tbk., has launched Groovia TV, that is equipped with the very improved technology and features.Base on the experience of PT Telkom, Tbk. to operate Groovia TV, the researcher wants to do a thorough research to study the impact of IPTV features to the Decision to subscribe Groovia TV. The topic of the research is “The Impact of IPTV Features to the Decision to subscribe Groovia TV (A Study of Groovia TV Subscribers in Bandung, by the year of 2012)”.
This research uses two variables. Independent variable X is IPTV Features with 5 sub variables: support interactive television, Time Shifting, Personalization, Low Bandwidth Needs, and Accessible with variety of terminals. The dependent variable (Y) is Decision to subscribe Groovia TV with sub variables of Knowledge, Persuation, Decision, Implementation and Confirmation. This research uses causal studies with sample taken 260 customers. The researcher uses convenience sampling technique, with a sampling error of 5%. Data analysis technique in this research is linear regression and the t test, to test the hypothesis.
The results of the research show that IPTV Features has a quiet strong impact (42,22%) to the Decision to subscribe Groovia TV. Some aspects of the features of Groovia TV are still needed to improve, those are the quality of the pictures and the high speed internet access. With the quiet strong impact of IPTV Features to the Decision to Subscribe Groovia TV, PT Telkom,Tbk, needs to improve the reliability and the knowledge of the society regarding the IPTV Features and its benefits.
Key Words: Decision to subscribe Groovia TV, and IPTV Features.