Pharmacy Institutions medical center hospitals located in Jambi province is a means of health services that are obliged to provide and distribute medicines and pharmaceutical supplies led by pharmacists and needed by the community in Jambi area, who have obtained prescription medicines referrals from doctors in pharmacies medical center hospital institutions, one of the business processes of pharmacies in medical center hospitals in the process of recording and printing the results of transactions, which includes the results of drug sales transactions and pharmaceutical supplies to the community in Jambi area, recording the purchase of raw materials from suppliers, to the process of printing invoices which is evidence that the transaction has been implemented and recap in realtime. Pharmacies located in medical center hospitals in Jambi province use SIMRS Khanza information system that is semi-manual in meeting business needs, especially in the operational section. Problems that arise in the accounting section, invoice management is when the SIMRS system in medical center hospital pharmacies print invoices and still done manually in the intercept and integrate data on the results of sales and purchases of medicines needed by the pharmacy in the hospital medical center Merangin Jambi Province. The contributing factor is the productive age of human resources working on the optimization of SIMRS khanza hospital system is too old to be given responsibility in the part of printing invoices, and they are sales less understand SIMRS Khansa system in the hospital pharmacy medical center. As a result, there are frequently constraints in recording net income that is blown during the sale of medicines, pharmaceutical supply, and transaction data recording process can not be recorded accurately because the data is not integrated in real-time. Seeing this problem, it takes technology and a system that can automate the business process activities of pharmacies in the center medical hospital of Jambi province. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that is open source is a solution to the problem that occurs in the pharmacy medical center hospital Jambi province. Given that the pharmacy of Jambi provincial medical center hospital is still in the process of developing, it is a necessary ERP system with affordable cost and easy to apply. Therefore, Odoo was chosen as open-source software that can help the problem of pharmacies in hospitals medical center Jambi province. Construction of the Odoo system uses the ASAP method.This methodology can help the implementation process at the time of the construction of ERP odoo system applied to the pharmacy medical centre hospital merangin Jambi province completed with a fast time and affordable costs, can be adjusted to the project that has been run. The ultimate goal of the development of ERP system accounting module, invoice management at pharmacies in hospitals medical center Jambi province is to help pharmacies in hospitals medical center Jambi province in record and print the transaction data in realtime, integrated all sales data effectively and efficiently, monitoring debt and trade receivables in the active period and calculated of automated profit and loss overview. As a reference for the successful implementation of ERP systems.
Keywords— Invoice Management,Accounting, ERP, ODOO, ASAP Methodology, Automating