Telecommunications industry in Indonesia has grown high enough. The Intensity of the competition in telecommunication business is causing a promotion in the marketing strategy becomes a very important factor. Thus far, this study was held in Telkom Flexi Jogjakarta because the 0274 area of Jogjakarta was become a five rank in terms of revenue, sales, and sales growth and top sales bundling of CDMA among all Telkom Flexi office in Indonesia. Telkom Flexi Jogjakarta uses four of the five strategies in promotional mix, such as advertising, sales promotion, public relation, and direct marketingas well.
This research was conducted to determine the effect of the promotion mix on consumer purchasing decisions on products Telkom Flexi in 2012. The study uses two variables: the independent variable promotion mix (advertising(X1), sales promotion(X2), direct marketing(X3), public relations(X4). While the dependent variableis the hierarchy-of-effects model called Y. The population in this study is the audience who know or are interested for Flexi in Telkom Flexi YogyakartaPlaza outlet with respondents as 100.The instrument used a questionnaire which are spread in Plaza Telkom Jogjakarta. This study used path analysis to test the hypothesis using the F test and t test.
The results show that; (i) There is a significant influence between advertising and hierarchy-of –effect model, with the value of t= 3.634 and also significance of 0.000. (ii) There is a significant influence between sales promotion and hierarchy-of–effect model, with the value of t= 3.420 and also significance of 0.001. (iii) There is no significant influence between direct marketing and hierarchy-of–effect model, with the value of t= -429 and also significance of 0.669. (iv) There is no significant influence between direct marketing and hierarchy-of–effect model, with the value of t=1.690 and also significance of 0.094.
The conclusion is asignificant influence between promotion mix consisting of advertising and sales promotionto the hierarchy-of-effects models in the Flexi in Yogyakarta either simultaneously or partially. While the direct marketing and public relations has not significant effect. So companies need to enhance the promotion mix in the future with the better strategy especially for direct marketing and public relation.
Keywords: Promotion mix, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Public Relation