Southeast Asia's largest e-commerce market is Indonesia. During the pandemic that occurred in Indonesia, online shopping has become a common activity for many people. In the current state of the Covid-19 pandemic, consumer impulse buying is a concern at a time of economic and social change. Shopee as an online store provider for its users, must first identify the characteristics of consumers who will use and transact at Shopee, because basically the characteristics of consumers are different for each individual.
This study aims to see how much influence consumer traits with the dimensions of impulse buying tendency, shopping enjoyment tendency, and materialism; and situational factors with the dimensions of person situation, website quality, motivational activities by retailers, and product attributes on impulse buying on e-commerce Shopee by using multiple linear regression analysis.
This type of research uses quantitative methods. The sample used is Shopee users in Greater Jakarta who have transacted at Shopee. Data were collected from 384 respondents, namely Shopee users in Greater Jakarta who had already made transactions at Shopee and the questionnaire was distributed using the google form.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that the variables Impulse Buying Tendency, Shopping Enjoyment Tendency, Materialism, Person Situations, Website Quality, Motivational Activities by Retailer and Product Attributes simultaneously have an effect on impulsive buying on Shopee users in Greater Jakarta. While Website Quality and Product Attributes partially have no effect on impulsive buying on Shopee users in Greater Jakarta.
The author suggests retailers maintain or build consumers' moods so they're comfortable searching for products in the seller's online store and they can turn shopping is a fun activity. By providing good product photos and if the retailer wants to upload a video, it can be added with interesting music. Further research can investigate and expand the influence of consumer character traits and situational factors in the same industry, as well as add gender as a mediator variable to identify impulse purchases in greater depth.
Keywords: Consumer Traits, Situational Factors, Impulse Buying.