Audio data digital piracy is a crucial matter since it jeopardizes the original content’s copyright. Spread spectrum (SS) audio watermarking is an effective method of preventing digital audio piracy. Numerous studies have been published about spread spectrum (SS) audio watermarkings. However, those technologies did not have enough capacity and high robustness at the same time. Therefore, the audio watermarking system in this paper is based on a unique Adaptive Segmentation and the multibit SS-based that can embed multiple watermark bits into the host audio signal utilizing one random pseudo-noise (PN) to represent multiple watermark bits. By determining the highest response value of the second-order derivative of the original audio signal, the audio watermark in this paper is robust against typical assaults and has good performance against desynchronization attacks. The audio watermarking technique in this paper has been proven to be effective through numerous simulated studies. The experimental results show that the audio watermarking system in this paper has high imperceptibility, has a large embedding capacity, and high robustness.