In this study, researchers found the problem of Trans Metro Bandung (TMB) still conducting manual supervision for passenger health protocols, and the calculation of passengers on a daily basis was not yet available. With the problems found, the researcher provides an alternative in the form of making a website that functions as a monitoring tool for the bus fleet. The website contains some information such as the number of TMB passengers, the amount of TMB's income, and the health protocol of TMB passengers.
The TMB website development uses technology in the form of JavaScript, namely using React.Js as the front end and for the database using Firebase's services. This website is also equipped with load balancer technology that uses the Round Robin method to handle the problem of traffic loads that will be borne by the server.
The results obtained in testing the designs that have been implemented are load balancers with the Round Robin algorithm that can lighten the load on website servers that previously did not use load balancers. It can be concluded by the author because the server that uses a load balancer is always superior in the comparison of request error, throughput, and delay. For the comparison of error requests, throughput (received), throughput (sent), throughput (requests per second), and delay in the attempted request of 800 between servers that use a load balancer and those that do not use a load balancer, respectively. 0% with 28.88%, 82,426 KB/sec with 268,538 KB/sec, 110,418 KB/sec with 66,396 KB/sec, 357,8175 req/sec with 316,7676 req/sec, and 103 ms with 682.4 ms. Then for testing the amount of TMB income, it's just that it's still not accurate because the calculation of mask users and without masks is not accurate. The last test regarding the ease of access to the website that has been made has concluded that it is easy to use from some of the existing feedback.
Keyword: Bus Rapid Transit, connections, delay, error socket, feedback, Firebase, load balancer, monitoring, React.Js, Round Robin, standard deviation, throughput, Trans Metro Bandung, website