Satay is a typical food that can be easily found in almost all regions of Indonesia.
Indonesia also has various kinds of satay, one of which is ambal satay, a special dish
from Kebumen, Central Java. Unfortunately, ambal satay does not have a long shelf
life. However, Allisha Ambal Satay product from Allisha Foods can last up to 6
months and become Kebumen's featured souvenirs. This study aims to determine the
marketing communication strategy carried out by Allisha Ambal Satay as featured
souvenir of Kebumen. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. The
research data was taken through the process of interview, observation, documentation,
and literature study. The data validity technique uses source triangulation techniques.
This study uses the theory of an effective marketing communication strategy from
(Machfoedz, 2010). The results showed that Allisha Ambal Satay designed
communication objectives and used message and media strategies. In the message
strategy there are creative message form of rational and emotional messages. In the
media strategy, Allisha Ambal Satay uses direct communication channels by meet the
consumers at exhibitions and indirect communication channels through social media
such as Instagram and Facebook as the main media, and print media, namely brochures
and catalogs to support exhibition. Allisha Ambal Satay takes advantage of consumer
gaps in the form of time and place. The time that Allisha Ambal Satay uses to convey
messages in direct communication channels is when consumers come to the booth
while indirect communication channels such as social media are weekdays for
Instagram and weekends for Facebook during break time from 12.00-13.00 WIB or
19.00-21.00 WIB during breaks, while brochures and catalogs serve as supporting
media in the exhibition.