Abstrak: Bisnis fesyen yang semakin berkembang menyebabkan banyaknya limbah sisa produksi di tempat konfeksi. Salah satunya konfeksi milik Simply Outfit yang terletak di kecamatan Buah Batu, Kota Bandung. Limbah yang dihasilkan berupa kain pique sisa produksi Brand Simply Outfit yang belum diolah secara maksimal. Skripsi ini dilatar belakangi oleh hasil observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan penulis pada konfeksi tersebut. Adanya potensi yang dimiliki limbah kain pique ini, penulis menerapkan teknik surface textile design pada proses pengolahan untuk membuat produk fesyen yang memiliki nilai fungsi, nilai estetika dan nilai ekonominya. Metode yang digunakan penulis adalah metode kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data mengggunakan studi kepustakaan, studi lapangan yang meliputi observasi dan wawancara, dan eksperimen dengan dua teknik surface textile design yakni teknik slashing dan patchwork yang bertujuan agar pengolahan limbah kain pique menjadi lebih optimal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengolahan limbah kain pique dapat lebih optimal dengan menggunakan teknik tersebut karena sesuai dengan karakter dan limbah yang diperoleh. Penulis juga memberikan saran bahwa limbah kain pique dapat dioptimalkan dengan menerapkan teknik surface textile design pada pengolahannya untuk memperpanjang umur limbah dan menambah nilai limbah tersebut.
Kata kunci: Limbah Kain Pique, Upcycle, Produk Fesyen
Abstract: The growing fashion business causes a lot of residual production waste in the confectionery. One of them is Simply Outfit's confection which is located in Buah Batu sub-district, Bandung City. The waste produced is in the form of pique cloth left over from the production of Brand Simply Outfit which has not been processed optimally. This thesis is motivated by the results of observations and interviews conducted by the author on the confection. Given the potential of this pique cloth waste, the authors apply surface textile design techniques in the processing process to make fashion products that have functional, aesthetic and economic values. The method used by the author is a qualitative method, with data collection techniques using literature studies, field studies which include observations and interviews, and experiments with two surface textile design techniques, namely slashing and patchwork techniques which aim to optimize pique fabric waste treatment. Based on the results of the study, the processing of pique cloth waste can be more optimal by using this technique because it is in accordance with the character and waste obtained. The author also suggests that pique cloth waste can be optimized by applying surface textile design techniques to its processing to extend the life of the waste and increase the value of the waste.
Keywords: pique fabric waste, upcycle, fashion product