In this era of post COVID-19 pandemic, employees must be prepared to face existing problems or threats to improve their performance in working in their office as before COVID-19. These data indicate that there is a decrease in employee performance caused by several factors. One of them is job satisfaction factor. This research was conducted at the PT BPR BKK Boyolali.
This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction in PT BPR BKK Boyolali’s employees and analyze the effectiveness of job satisfaction on employee performances at PT BPR BKK Boyolali. The factors tested in this study were the effect of job satisfaction as an exogenous variable, while employee performance as an endogenous variable.
The type of research used in this study was quantitative research. The data used in the form of numbers and using statistical analysis. Population in this research are the whole employee of PT.BPR BKK Boyolali that amount of 62 employees. Analysis technique will be used are Simple Linear Regression, T-test, F-test and Coefficient Determinant.
The results of simple linear regression test obtained the performance value of 36.852 when satisfaction is not existing, and each increase I satisfaction of the unit, it will increase the performance of 0.167 or 16.7%. For the test result of T test produce tcount > ttable (2,900 > 1,992) which obtained that the result where H0 is rejected. So it concluded that job satisfaction factors have significant effect toward employees’ performance on PD BPR BKK Boyolali. Then, to found out how much influence does the job satisfaction have on employees’ performance can be determined by Coefficient of Determination value (R2). The results are R2 is 0.518 which is 51.8%, this means that job satisfaction factors have an influence 51.8% towards employees’ performance of PD BPR BKK Boyolali and the remaining percentage are influenced by others.
The suggestion for the companies are reflected on their smallest percentage of the questionnaire obtained which are Coworkers and Quality, the mediation and employee performance evaluation are proposed to solve that problem. Lastly the suggestion for future research are to added other theories and adding more variables to the existing ones