The purpose of this research is to get an explicit description through qualitative approach, in relation to media’s framing on Crypto Market Crash at the period of May 2021. Crypto Market Crash is an event of precipitous devaluation in cryptocurrency market as digital assets in general. This issue is chosen because the framing activity conducted that has propensity of integrating negative sentiment with the term Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt by online media platforms in relation to crypto market crash has the ability to influence people’s behavior towards their own crypto investment. The focuses of this research are online news media ( and According to Agenda Setting theory in media agenda, the online media commits framing in relation to the issue. Through three news samples from and, the author analyzes the case by using 4 phases of framing analysis by Robert N. Entman model. Those 4 phases are Define Problems, Diagnoses Causes, Make Moral Judgement, and Treatment Recommendation. The result ofthis research showsthat there is a differentiation between and has the propensity to be neutral in its framing activity by inserting some positive data but did not integrate Treatment Recommendation vividly, while integrates positive statements from the relevant informants while uses protrusion in certain individuals.
Keywords: Framing Analysis, Crypto Market Crash, Online Media