During the covid-19 pandemic, distribution in the fisheries sector, especially freshwater fish, has experienced difficulties. Based on a preliminary survey, the marketing of fishery products in Klaten Regency has not been optimal and stable. Therefore according to the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, this has caused a buildup of fish as much as 70% in 2019 and 2020. Based on these problems, this research will analyze the need to create a user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design for the NuFish website. In addition, evaluate the design that has been made using the cognitive walkthrough method and system usability scale. The method used in developing the NuFish website is design thinking and extreme programming, the result of this research is a high fidelity prototype design that will later be tested on users. Then for the results of the questionnaire-based usability scale (SUS) system feasibility test using the likert scale, the NuFish website in the seller's section got an average score of 77, the score category B, the good rating and acceptability rating are acceptable, while in the buyer's section the average acceptance range was 78.5, the score category B, good rating and the acceptability rating are acceptable. From the results described, it can be concluded that the NuFish website is suitable for the community as a platform to help fish farmers and MSMEs market their fishery products.