Sariningsih Hospital is a Military Health Agency located in the Kodam III/Siliwangi area which has the main task of providing support and health services to TNI soldiers, civil servants, and their families, as well as providing health services to the general public.
Sariningsih Hospital is a hospital that is included in class D Hospital. Class D Pratama Hospital is a general hospital that only provides class 3 (three) care services to increase access for the community to ensure individual health service efforts that provide inpatient and outpatient services. , emergency services, and other supporting services.
By utilizing the implementation of EA using the TOGAF framework, it is expected to be able to optimize the performance of the Hospital as a public agency that can serve the needs of the community in the health sector. There are seven TOGAF ADM phases used in designing Enterprise Architecture at Sariningsih Hospital, namely, preliminary phase, architecture vision, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture, opportunities and solutions, and migration planning. In this study, we will discuss the conditions the current architecture of the Sariningsih Hospital and also the target which then produces an IT Roadmap that can be used as a guide for hospitals in building IT infrastructure.
In the end, this research produced 23 catalogs, 13 matrices, and 39 diagrams. In the Sariningsih Hospital IT Roadmap there are 2 applications developed, namely the MORBIS application which is divided into MORBOOK and MORCLINIC, also the Sariningsih Hospital Website. For the period of development of the MORBIS application for 9 months, starting from March-December 2022. The duration of Website Development for Sariningsih Hospital is 3 months, starting from November 2022 - January 2023.
Keywords : Sariningsih Hospital, Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF ADM, IT Roadmap, MORBIS.