The psychiatric hospital is a referral center and mental health service development so that its services can be carried out comprehensively. In developing countries such as Indonesia, the handling of mental health cases has not received appropriate treatment due to negative stigma and lack of information, understanding, and lack of adequate and appropriate handling facilities for these issues in the surrounding environment, including North Kalimantan. In 2019, the North Kalimantan Diskominfo ( reported that the province's prevalence of depression was 5.7% and people with schizophrenia were 6.8% higher than the national average of 6.1 % Lack of attention to the interior design of Mental Hospitals also raises negative perceptions on visitors so that Mental Hospitals are considered scary and not worth visiting. In interior design, the atmosphere of the room affects the psychological condition of the user who is oriented to patients and staff by carrying the theme Theurapetic and Well-being which provides a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere in the interior with a Healing Environment approach that focuses on psychological conditions by combining natural elements. Natural elements are used to create a safe, comfortable, relaxed atmosphere and reduce stressors. This design also focuses on the safety and comfort of users in carrying out their activities.
Keywords: North Kalimantan Psychiatic Hospital, Therauphetic and Well – being, Healing Environment.