A company that wants to grow and evolve constanly to improve productivity within the organizations systems, including management system, functional system and operasional systems. Management Information System (MIS) as a system that serves to manage and provide information for management has developed rapidly along with the development and implementation of information technology in management information system. Implementation of information technology is a positive impact on a Management Information System (MIS) so that (MIS) as a system consisting of physical resources (devices and human) and conceptual (information) to increase work productivity.
The purpose of the study is to determine employee perceptions of the implementation of management information system are given and to determine labor productivity of employee in the department Store “X” Branch Buah Batu, Bandung. This research uses descriptive method is the method of data collection to test the hypothesis or answer the question concerning the current status of research subjects using a data collection tool questionnare distributed to responden. The sampling technique used was saturated sampling, where all employees are there in the EDP (Electronic Data Processing) and payment transactions division (cashier) at the grocery Store “X” Branch Buah Batu, Bandung be the respondents in this research.
Based on the result of hypothesis test from over all implementation of management information system has a significant impact on the productivity of employee in the EDP (Electronic Data Processing) andpayment transactions division (cashier) at the grocery store “X” Branch Buah Batu, Bandung. This can be evidenced by the values of thitung>ttable is 6.346 > 2,000. Based on the obtained coefficients determination that the application of management information system can affect the productivity of labor by employee amounted to 0.402 or 40,2% and the remaining 59,8% is influenced by other variables notexamined in this study. Based on the results of researches, can be concluded that the present management information system can not be separated from the use of information technology, at lease use the computer as a base.
Keywords : Management Information System, Labor Productivity