The indicators of the successful economy is macroeconomic performance. This macroeconomic factors can affect activities of industry, company and the capital market as well. In 2020-2021, economic growth of all over the world has a severe decline due to the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, one of the sectors that has experienced fluctuations is the consumer goods sector, the company's share price also fluctuates This research aims to analyze the impact of macroeconomic variable such as inflation, interest rates and exchange rates toward the return of a company's stock. The sample used in this study are data from PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk since periods 2016-2021.
The method analysis is the quantitative method by using descriptive and the multiple linear regression analysis.The results show that simultaneously the variables inflation, interest rates and exchange rates have an effect on PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk return, partially inflation and exchange rates also have an effect on stock returns, while interest rates have no significant effect on stock returns partially. Implication of these findings, investors can utilize this research as a reference for further research using other variables that can influence the return of a company's shares and also use different objects.
Keywords: macroeconomic indicators, stocks return, inflation, intrest rates, exchange rates.