In this digital era, making online shopping one of the activities that is often carried out and the platform used is e-commerce. Tokopedia and Shopee are the two most popular e-commerce sites, with the largest number of visitors in Indonesia in 2021. This study aims to determine the interaction between customers who are involved in social networks and who has the biggest role in customer interactions through centrality calculations so that they can describes the customer engagement that is formed and can be used by the company to increase its customer engagement. Data collection was carried out by scraping data on Twitter social media with the keywords "Tokopedia" and "Shopeeid" using the Socialx platform with a time span from November 1 to December 31, 2022. The method used in this study used quantitative methods and was processed using Social Network Analysis (SNA). This study uses user generated content (UGC) data from social media Twitter. The UGC data that has been collected is then pre-processed to remove irrelevant data. Next, a network visualization was performed using Gephi software to calculate the SNA network properties and centrality. The results of the network visualization show that Tokopedia and Shopee e-commerce have been quite active in efforts to build customer engagement on their social networks. Furthermore, from the results of centrality calculations, it was found that @Tokopedia and @ShopeeID became the biggest players in their social networks. The results of this study describe customer engagement in both e-commerce, namely Tokopedia and Shopee. In addition, this research can be used as a reference by e-commerce businesses to increase customer engagement in their companies