Depot Sari Patin Banjarmasin is a culinary company (restaurant) that produces or distributes fish-based cuisine. The fish falls under the category of perishable food. The component of product age is what distinguishes perishable inventory from other types. Periodic review and update expectations are used to determine the policy of fish raw materials inventory, as well to reduce wasted inventory and total inventory. An inventory policy based on periodic review and update expectation can be used to reduce wasted inventory and total inventory by determining optimal review or replenishment interval, proper reorder point and maximum inventory level. The Calculated result of the proposed total inventory cost is Rp469.928.491. It is 5.6% less than the existing condition, Rp28.148.541. The Calculated result of the proposed outdated cost is Rp4.242.501. It is 75% less than existing condition Rp4.242.501