PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) is one of the state-owned enterprise pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia. PT. Kimia Farma already uses ERP in the last 2 years, to improve company performance in operations and finance and improve service to members of PT. Kimia Farma (Persero). Beside PT. Kimia Farma (Persero), there are several companies that has already implementated ERP, though not all companies succeeded in implementing ERP. In Indonesia, there are 60% of ERP implementation failure rate on the public or private sector. Implementation ERP system can be successful when guided by the ERP success factors such as scope, management support, holding training, collaboration between divisions, planning / budgeting, and adequate testing. To examine the success of ERP implementation in PT. Kimia Farma (Persero), researchers use the Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. This model is the best way to measure the success of the user satisfaction information system because, it has proven outperform 70% compared to the previous 8 models such as TRA, TPB, TAM, MM, C-TAM-TPB, MPCU, IDT, and SCT. The data collection is processed by distributing of questionnaire to employees using web-based systems. Processing data using SPSS and SmatPLS tools to verify the validity test, reliability test and hypothesis test. Based on this research it is concluded that Performance Expectancy affect Behavioural Intention by 11.6%, Effort Expectancy affect Behavioural Intention by 58.8%, Social Influence affect Behavioural Intention by 2%, Facilitating Condition affect Behavioural Intention by 26.2%. Training is key factor of implementation ERP system in PT. Kimia Farma (Persero). Keywords: ERP Successful Factor, UTAUT.