Di era globalisasi, perkembangan teknologi sangat pesat. Banyak produk globalisasi yang bahkan tidak terpikirkan sebelumnya. Media sosial adalah salah satu contoh yang paling umum serta banyak masyarakat gunakan tanpa memandang kelas dan usia. Dalam penelitian ini ingin meneliti mengenai pengaruh kegiatan campaign #seethebeautyinverydaythings di tiktok terhadap brand awareness produk scarlett whitening. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan menerapkan teknik analisis regresi linier sederhana, dan peneliti menerapkan teknik non-probability sampling, metode non-probability sampling yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah purposive sampling, didapatkan nilai jumlah sampel sebesar 384,16 responden, namun dibulatkan oleh peneliti menjadi 385 responden dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan peneliti dalam pembuatan dan pengisian kuesioner. Hasil pengujian hipotesis memperlihatkan bahwasanya didapati pengaruh yang signifikan dari kegiatan Campaign #Seethebeautyinverydaythings di TikTok terhadap brand awareness produk Scarlett Whitening, hasil tersebut berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis melalui uji t, mendapatkan nilai t hitung yaitu 23.174 (t hitung 23.174>t tabel 1.966) dengan signifikansinya 0.000 (0.000<0.05), dengan ini Ho ditolak serta Ha diterima. Kesimpulannya yaitu penelitian ini didapati pengaruh secara signifikan dari kegiatan Campaign #Seethebeautyinverydaythings diTikTok terhadap Brand Awareness Produk Scarlett Whitening.
Kata Kunci: brand awareness, kegiatan campaign, media social.
In the era of globalization, technological developments are very rapid. There are many products of globalization that were not even thought of before. Social media is one of the most common examples and is widely used by people regardless of class and age. In this study, we want to examine the effect of the #seethebeautyinverydaythings campaign on TikTok on brand awareness of Scarlett Whitening products. This research is quantitative by applying a simple linear regression analysis technique, and the researcher uses a non-probability sampling technique, the non-probability sampling method used in this study is purposive sampling, the total sample value is 384.16 respondents, but the researcher rounds it to 385 respondents with the aim of facilitating researchers in making and filling out questionnaires. The results of hypothesis testing show that significant influence was found from the #Seethebeautyinverydaythings Campaign activities on TikTok on brand awareness of Scarlett vii Whitening products, this is based on the results of testing the hypothesis with the t test, the results obtained are tcount of 23,174 (tcount 23,174> ttable 1,966) and a significance of 0,000 (0.000 <0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The conclusion in this study is that there is a significant effect of the #Seethebeautyinverydaythings Campaign activities on TikTok on Brand Awareness of Scarlett Whitening Products.
Keywords: brand awareness, campaign activities, social media