Trend of Internet users in Indonesia continues to increase. People find it easier to access information for various purposes such as business, education, entertainment, and charitable activities. Indonesian has been recognized by the Charities Aid Foundation as the most generous county in the world in 2022. With the growing number of internet users and the high level of generosity in Indonesia, there is an opportunity for non-profit organizations to engage in online crowdfunding activities, one of them is the Masjid Nusantara. Based on data collected in the activities on, there is a significant decrease in the total number of donors that occurred in 2022 compared to the previous year. This research, conducted in phase 1, aims to determine the influence of average session duration,repeat visit,bounce rate on conversion based on the data analytics on website activities. The next phase is the study examining conversion on satisfaction experience and the influence of satisfaction experience on repurchase intention by using a questionnaire distributed to 150 donors who have made donations through the website The analytical tools used are E-Views in the first phase to test vector auto regressive and used SmartPLS in the second phase. Based on analysis of data, it can be found that variables consist of average session duration and repeat visits don’t have an impact on the conversion. Furthermore, bounce rate has a positive impact on the conversion. Variable conversion was found to have an impact on the satisfaction experience and subsequently satisfaction experience affects repurchase intention.
Keywords: average session duration, repeat visit, bounce rate, conversion, satisfaction experience, repurchase intention, vestor auto regressive, PLSSEM