As technology, culinary, and lifestyles change quickly, so does the trend in the beverage industry. Food and beverage industry in Indonesia continues to develop at anincreasingly positive rate and makes this sector intriguing to investigate. As a result, trends are more than just commodities; they are a way of life that evolves in line with people's interests and preferences. In this situation, consumers usually have the long- term relationships with food and beverage brands, but they are not hesitant to switchingwhen their trust in a brand begins to diminish due to decreased product quality, price increases, or consumer irrelevancies. Mixue is classified in the culinary category of indulgent, which makes the consumption pattern occasional rather than routine. SinceMixue is competing in the hyper-competitive market, therefore, the brand must be ableto acquire and maintain consumer loyalty due to the high level of competition and thestrong influence of personal experiences over other commodity markets. This research is expected to be able to reveal structural relationships and find whether there are significant effects of brand image, brand satisfaction, and brand truston brand loyalty through moderator variables from Lovemarks, which consist of brandlove and brand respect. The approach used in this study is quantitative and classified in causal research categories, adopting quantitative methods using online surveys through questionnaires in Google Forms and processing data using SPSS and SmartPLS 3.2.9 software. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that brand image has a significant and positive influence on brand satisfaction and brand trust, brand satisfaction positively and significantly affects brand trust, brand satisfaction and brandtrust positively and significantly affects brand loyalty, and brand love has a moderatinginfluence on the relationship between brand satisfaction and brand loyalty but does nothave a moderation effect on the relationship between brand trust and brand Loyalty, and brand respect do not have a moderating role in brand satisfaction and brand loyaltyas well as in the relationship between brand trust and brand loyalty. The suggestion from this study is that Mixue Ice Cream and Tea is expected tobe able to maintain and strengthen marketing efforts and campaigns, improve the quality of its products and services, increase emotional bonds with consumers and provide a pleasant experience.