Organizational behavior in an organization is the main factor that must be considered, because behavior is an important element. Organizational behavior shows how knowledge about a person's attitudes and actions will ultimately be useful when that person works for an organization. A person's life path is determined by how he views himself and his environment. Thus, the following are the objectives of organizational behavior science. (Gani, 2021) Employee job satisfaction is one of the drivers of their performance in contributing to achieving organizational goals.
Based on the AIESEC Bandung Quarter Report, it is explained that job satisfaction at AIESEC as indicated by the Net Promoting Score has decreased every quarter, including in 2023. In addition, there is a statement from the Local Committee Vice President Talent Management AIESEC Bandung which states that job satisfaction of AIESEC members will result in best performance results. LCVP stated that there was a possible lack of organizational support and also a lack of organizational justice by indicating the reasons why the dismissed members decided to leave AIESEC.
This research aims to determine the influence of perceptions of organizational support and organizational justice on job satisfaction at AIESEC Bandung. This research uses a quantitative type of research with a saturated sampling technique. The data collection method was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 158157 respondents. The research results were processed and analyzed using descriptive analysis with PLS-SEM analysis techniques.
The research results show that organizational support has a significant effect on job satisfaction as well as organizational justice which has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
Keywords: Organizational Behavior, Perception of Organizational Support, Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction