Perpustakaan sebagai gudang informasi dan ilmu pengetahuanyang menjadi sumber belajar semua kalangan. Namun Kota Metroplitaan seperti kota Bekasi dengan populasi yang padat, kota Bekasi masih belum dapat mengimbangi akan penyediaan fasilitas Perpustakaan. Letak bangunan Perpustakaan tidak strategis sehingga tidak banyak masyarakat yang mengetahui keberasaan Perpustakaan ini. Perancangan perpustakaan umum baru di Kota Bekasi diharapkan dapat menarik minat baca masyarakat serta kualitas membaca sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemajuan bangsa.
Kata kunci: Perancangan, Perpustakaan, Fasilitas,
The library is a repository of information and knowledge which is a source of learning for all people. However, metropolitan cities such as the city of Bekasi with a dense population, the city of Bekasi still cannot keep up with the provision of library facilities. The location of the library building is not strategic so that not many people know about the existence of this library. The design of the new public library in Bekasi City is expected to attract people's interest in reading as well as the quality of reading so that it can increase the progress of the nation.
Keywords: Design, Libraries, Facilities.