Pesticides are pollutant substances that are usually used by agriculture to repel pests or can be referred to as a mixture of chemicals commonly used to eradicate pests of both plants and animals that aim to maintain the viability of the plants themselves. For the Pasuruan area, Gendol Village itself is a place that is stillbeautiful and still has a lot of agricultural land which is quite large because it is directly under the foot of Mount Welirang. That's why I took the following topic to be the topic of my research.
Farmers in the gendol area themselves are usually in the tandur period or the period for growing their own crops, usually making one group to complete each land. During the planting season, they found it difficult to distribute pesticides themselves and felt that it took a long time and more energy to spread the pesticides. Therefore I propose to make a tool that if it can help to spread this pesticide which can then be applied near the harvest period to avoid the presence of these pests.
This tool aims to help farmers during the harvest period to spread pesticides so that they can help to minimize time and effort to make it easier for farmers to spread these pesticides.