Binong Jati Knitting Center is the largest knitting center in Bandung. One of the communities in Binong Jati Knitting Center is Kampoeng Radjoet Industry.
Since the 1965s it has produced various knitting products such as sweaters, cardigans, scarves, and others. based on the results of interviews and observations from the Kampoeng Radjoet regarding the knitting products produced there are several obstacles that cause a lack of innovation in developing product designs and limited materials. therefore, the recommendation from the Kampoeng Radjoet to conduct this research is to develop existing knitting products with varied designs and shapes by
following the latest trends. the method applied in this research uses design thinking methods with a qualitative approach. The evaluation or results of this research include sweaters, and cardigans with the Organic Curve concept with cable techniques through computer knitting machines. this research aims to distinguish knitting products from others so that there are product characteristics that can increase sales.