PT XYZ has been facing significant challenges in human resource management due to an incomplete organizational structure, where only 5 out of 12 required positions are currently filled. This gap has caused confusion, with employees frequently taking on responsibilities beyond their defined roles, leading to inefficiencies and incomplete tasks. This project aims to develop clear and comprehensive job descriptions for PT XYZ using the APQC Process Classification Framework (PCF) to resolve challenges in human resource management, such as unfilled positions and role confusion. By utilizing this framework, the goal is to enhance employees' understanding of their specific responsibilities, thereby reducing overlap and distractions. The methodology employed is qualitative descriptive, focusing on the APQC PCF to guide the job description design process. Additionally, the RACI matrix is used to clarify responsibilities and ensure effective task allocation. This structured approach will lead to a thorough job analysis, detailing the responsibilities and qualifications required for each role, ultimately reducing role ambiguity and fostering accountability among employees, which contributes to improved operational efficiency.
Keyword: job description, APQC PCF, Business process.