Nowadays fashion jeans industry in Indonesia has developed quite rapidly. It is characterized by the increasing number of new manufacturers whose quality can compete with overseas manufacturers. With the modern world, as the higher the consumer demand for a product to meet their needs. Jeans is one of the items and products that are often used by everyone. DIC Jeans is a new company, DIC Jeans do not provide a means of complaint to consumer complaints while the vehicle is very important is to further improve product quality and sales DIC Jeans, a means of complaint is important to know whether or not consumers are satisfied with the product DIC Jeans.
The research method in this study is a descriptive study that illustrates the extent to which consumer expectations of product quality DIC Jeans, and where performance sejuah DIC Jeans product quality to customer satisfaction to determine large upper level of customer satisfaction and product quality DIC Jeans determine corrective action in improving the quality of products.
Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to a sample of 100 respondents who are consumers DIC Jeans. Validity test results declared invalid because it has 0.3 while the reliability test results Cronbach Alpha value for consumer expectations for 0848 and 0864 revealed reliable performance. Analysis of the data using the Consumer Satisfaction Index and Important Performance Analysis (IPA). The survey results revealed that consumer expectations of product quality DIC Jeans are considered very important because it has a percentage of 91.89%. Consumer perceptions of product quality performance Jeans DIC is considered good because it has a percentage of 70%. Based on the analysis of the level of consumer satisfaction in the category are not satisfied because it has a value of 0.85.
In Important Performance Analysis (IPA) there are 4 attributes that should be corrected by DIC Jeans are the attributes (1) product DIC Jeans comfortable when worn, (2) customized jeans models, (3) DIC Jeans have a good comfort level, (4 ) models or designs jeans attractive.
Keywords: Quality of product, level of satisfaction