ABSTRAKSI: HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access) merupakan 3GPP release 6 yang menawarkan kecepatan unggah hingga 5,76 Mbps. Teknologi HSUPA ini pun sudah diterapkan di Indonesia sehingga jumlah user yang memanfaatkan teknologi HSUPA ini semakin meningkat. Dengan semakin bertambahnya jumlah user yang memanfaatkan layanan HSUPA ini, maka dibutuhkan suatu metode pengontrolan terhadap kapasitas jaringan HSUPA itu sendiri.
Pada Tugas Akhir ini sudah dilakukan simulasi algoritma call admission control yang terdiri dari algoritma simple call admission control dan call admission control enhancement dalam mengatur user baru. Sedangkan untuk mengatur user aktif sudah dilakukan simulasi dengan menggunakan algoritma simple power control. Terdapat tiga skenario dalam penentuan kapasitas pada Tugas Akhir ini, yaitu skenario 1 (70% class 1, 10% class 2, 10% class 3, 10% class 4, 70% user aktif, 15% new call, dan 15% user handoff), skenario 2 (50% class 1, 20% class 2, 20% class 3, 10% class 4, 50% user aktif, 25% new call, dan 25% user handoff), dan skenario 3 (30% class 1, 30% class 2, 30% class 3, 10% class 4, 30% user aktif, 35% new call, dan 35% user handoff).
Algoritma simple power control cocok diterapkan dalam mengatur user aktif untuk meningkatkan kapasitas jaringan HSUPA karena probabilitas dropping user aktif nya sangat kecil (2,593% pada skenario 1, 5,313% pada skenario 2, dan 0% pada skenario 3). Algoritma call admission control enhancement cocok diterapkan dalam mengatur user baru untuk meningkatkan kapasitas jaringan HSUPA karena probabilitas dropping new call nya sangat kecil (5% pada skenario 1, 10% pada skenario 2, dan 12,222% pada skenario 3) dan probabilitas dropping handoff nya pun sangat kecil (3,333% pada skenario 1, 2,5% pada skenario 2, dan 11,111% pada skenario 3).Kata Kunci : Admission Control, Kapasitas, Jaringan HSUPAABSTRACT: HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access) is a 3GPP release 6 which offers upload speeds up to 5.76 Mbps. HSUPA technology was already applied in Indonesia so that the number of users that take advantage of HSUPA technology is increasing. With the increasing numbers of users that take advantage of HSUPA service, then needed a method of controlling the capacity of HSUPA networks themselves.
In this Final Task is done call admission control algorithm simulation that consists of simple call admission control and call admission control enhancement algorithm to control new user. As for active user set has been carried out simulation using simple power control algorithm. There are three scenarios in determining the capacity of this Final Task, namely scenario 1 (70% class 1, 10% class 2, 10% class 3, 10% class 4, 70% active user, 15% new call, and 15% handoff user), scenario 2 (50% class 1, 20% class 2, 20% class 3, 10% class 4, 50% active user, 25% new call, and 25% handoff user), and scenario 3 (30% class 1, 30% class 2, 30% class 3, 10% class 4, 30% active user, 35% new call, and 35% handoff user).
Simple power control algorithm is suitable to be applied in controlling active user to increase HSUPA network capacity because its dropping probability is so small (2,593% in the scenario 1, 5,313% in the scenario 2, and 0% in the scenario 3). Call admission control enhancement algorithm is suitable to be applied in controlling new user to increase HSUPA network capacity because new call dropping probability is so small (5% in the scenario 1, 10% in the scenario 2, and 12,222% in the scenario 3) and handoff dropping probability is so small too (3,333% in the scenario 1, 2,5% in the scenario 2, and 11,111% in the scenario 3).Keyword: Admission Control, Capacity, HSUPA Network