Analisis Optimasi Kapasitas BTS Telkom Flexi Pada Wilayah Area Majalaya

Irma Pratiwi

Informasi Dasar

154 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: The development of telecommunication celullar communication system is more and more rise in this moment, that make the trouble has been promoted too. One of them is the blooming of user’s quantity which is use the bandwidth together. The matter require the supplying service of telecommunication rise their service. So, we have to find the solution to promoted capacity without decrease the quality of service too excessive. Telkom Flexi make up from application of technology CDMA 2000-1x that the capacity influence the value of quality and quantity service in the system. When a certain cell consist of the blooming user’s quantity, then factor quality more and more go down. Because of that we need to do an evaluation to the cell’s capacity when the intensity traffic increase at busy hour. In order that the operator of supplying service must capable to manage and to carry out the traffic agree with the user’s mecessity which is directly increase.
This final assignment investigated about the capacity of BTS Telkom Flexi in Majalaya when consist of traffic’s excalation consequence by the cheap tariff even the free tariff. Capacity BTS based on Traffic Channel (TCH) and Channel Element (CE). Beside of that, analyze traffic service Telkom Flexi in technology CDMA 200-1x based on range of data which is in the next that data will get the process based on bandwidth necessity, the coverage arrangement and the other thing’s necessity, along with the recomendation to increase and repaired the capacity of Telkom Flexi. Parameter traffic investigated by Success Call Rate (SCR), Failure Call Rate (FCR), Complete Call Rate (CCR), Drop Call Rate (DCR), Grade of Service (GOS), Occupancy in Traffic Channel (TCH) and Occupancy in Channel Element (CE), and failure of handover.
From the result of the research, this moment consist of traffic leap wich is make the value of SCR still under the average 98%, which is make the failure level increase, the value of GOS very high until above 5%, the value of DCR reach out 10%, and the value occupancy which is get from TCH or CE in high level and also failure of handover above 1%.Keyword: CDMA 2000-1x, BTS Capacity, Traffic Channel, Channel Element


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Analisis Optimasi Kapasitas BTS Telkom Flexi Pada Wilayah Area Majalaya


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Irma Pratiwi
Rendy Munadi , Rudiyanto


Universitas Telkom




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