Analisis Kapasitas Uplink pada Metode Akses Sistem OFDMA Femtocell

Verra Fitriani

Informasi Dasar

130 kali
621.382 16
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Femtocell merupakan BTS yang dipasang di dalam ruangan dengan ukuran yang kecil sehingga pelanggan bisa mendapatkan layanan seluler di dalam ruangan. Penggunaan femtocell ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan coverage dan kapasitas di dalam ruangan. Femtocell terhubung ke Internet Service Provider dengan menggunakan DSL. Terdapat tiga jenis metode akses pada femtocell yaitu open access, closed access dan hybrid access. Perbedaan yang mendasar terlihat pada open access dan closed access . Tentunya akan menimbulkan masalah yang berhubungan dengan kapasitas kanal jika kita menggunakan open access dan closed access karena penambahan user lain sebagai faktor penginterferensi.

Dalam Tugas Akhir ini diteliti penggunaan OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) untuk mendapatkan kapasitas dan throughput dari closed access dan open access. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah bagaimana pengaruh perubahan kecepatan, penambahan jumlah user dan perubahan jarak terhadap kapasitas dan throughput yang dihasilkan pada metode akses closed access dan open access.

Hasil simulasi tugas akhir ini didapatkan penurunan kapasitas pada closed access sebesar 45.88% jika menggunakan open access dengan kondisi berbagai macam kecepatan antara 0-7 km. Sedangkan dengan adanya penambahan jumlah user kapasitas pada closed access akan mengalami penurunan sebesar 8.3% dibandingkan dengan kapasitas pada open access. Sedangkan throughput pada closed access akan mengalami penurunan sebesar 9.42%. Tetapi ketika jarak FAP dengan subscriber sekitar 20 m maka kapasitas pada closed access lebih besar 99.6% dibandingkan kapasitas pada open access. Sedangkan jika jarak FAP dengan subscriber sekitar 5 m maka kapasitas pada open access lebih besar 12x dari pada kapasitas pada closed access.Kata Kunci : femtocell, OFDMA, uplink, closed access, open access,ABSTRACT: Femtocell is a base stations installed in the room with a small size so that customers can get cellular service indoors. The use of femtocells is intended to increase coverage and capacity indoors. Femtocell is connected to the Internet Service Provider using DSL. There are three types of access methods at the femtocell, open access, closed access, and hybrid access. The fundamental difference seen in the open access and closed access. Surely it would cause problems associated with channel capacity if we use open access and closed access due to the addition of another user as a interference factor.

In this Final Project is researched the use of OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) to get the capacity and throughput of the closed access and open access. The problem that occurs is how are the effect of changing velocity, increasing the number of users and changing the distance to the capacity and throughput that are resulted on closed access and open access method.

In this simulation of final project is obtained the reduction capacity on closed access for 45.88% when use the open access with the conditions of the various speeds between 0-7 km. Meanwhile, with the addition of user, capacity on closed access will decrease by 8.3% compared with the capacity to open access. While the throughput in closed access will decrease for 942%. But when the distance between FAP and subscribers is about 20 m, the capacity of closed access is 99.6% greater than the capacity on open access. Whereas if the distance between FAP and subscribers is about 5 m, the capacity of the open access 12x greater than the capacity on closed accessKeyword: femtocell, OFDMA, uplink, closed access, open access, kapasitas


Transmisi Telkom


Analisis Kapasitas Uplink pada Metode Akses Sistem OFDMA Femtocell


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Verra Fitriani
Nachwan Mufti, I Made Kusuma Wardana .


Universitas Telkom




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