ABSTRAKSI: Instant messaging merupakan sebuah aplikasi pertukaran pesan singkat secara real time digunakan oleh jutaan orang di dunia agar dapat saling terhubung dengan teman, relasi kerja, maupun keluarga. Variasi messenger cukup banyak dan messenger juga digunakan sebagai layanan tambahan pada email dan jejaring sosial. Oleh karena itu, kami memutuskan membuat E3D Messenger yang terdiri dari protokol, server, kompresi dan aplikasi client.
Pada Tugas Akhir ini telah dirancang protokol E3D Messenger. Tahap perancangan dimulai dari requirement specification, kemudian service design yang menghasilkan service specification. Pada protocol design, service specification digunakan untuk menghasilkan protocol specification. Protocol specification tersebut digambarkan dengan Format Description Technique SDL (Specification and Description Language). Spesifikasi E3D messenger protocol terdiri dari dua block yaitu E3D client dan E3D server. E3D client terdiri dari tiga process yaitu command reader, coder, dan processor sedangkan E3D server terdiri dari empat process yaitu listening, service, forward, dan database.
Spesifikasi protokol dianalisis dengan menggunakan reachability analysis dan simulation tools Cinderella SDL 1.3 yang digunakan juga dalam perancangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan disimulasi diketahui bahwa rancangan formal protokol E3D messenger valid karena tidak terdapat deadlock, error syntax dan semantic, serta expected behavior.
Kata Kunci : E3D messenger, protokol, SDLABSTRACT: Instant messaging is applications that allow short message exchanges in real time and it is used by million people in the world to communicate with friend, coworker, and family. Variation of messenger it is so many and it can be use as additional service at email and social network. Hence, we decide to constract E3D Messenger which divide into four parts there are protocol, server, compression, and client application.
In this minor thesis, E3D messenger protocol has been designed. Design phase protocol has started from requirement specification, then doing service design to produce service specification. In protocol design, service specification is used to produce protocol specification. It is described with Format Description Technique SDL (Specification and Description Language). E3D messenger specification consists of two blocks there are E3D client and E3D server. E3D client consist of three processes there are command reader, coder, and processor whereas E3D server consist of four processes there are listening, service, forward, and database.
Protocol specification is analyzed with reachability analysis and simulation tools Cinderella SDL 1.3 that used too at design phase. Analysis and simulation show that formal specification E3D messenger protocol is valid. There is no deadlock, error syntax, error semantic and also expected behavior.
Keyword: E3D messenger protocol, SDL