ABSTRAKSI: Perkembangan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) yang pesat pada saat ini men imbulkan dampak untuk kehidupan manusia. Hal ini me ndorong terjadinya perubahan dalam berbagai sektor kehidupan manusia menjadi berbasis ICT, termasuk sektor pelayanan publi k yang dikelola pemerintah. Perubahan pada sektor publik ditandai dengan dikembangkannya electronic - Government atau yang dapat disebut e - Government . Di Kabupaten K laten sudah mengimplementasikan e - Government dengan memiliki situs web yang menyediakan fitur - fitur informasi umum dan fasilitas interaktif. Namun partisipasi masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan e - Government masih rendah, yang terlihat dari sedikitnya feedback/t anggapan (komentar, saran, atau kritik) dari masyarakat Kabupaten Klaten. Salah satu factor penting untuk menyukseskan pelayanan e - Government adalah penerimaan dan kemauan masyarakat untuk mengapdopsi/menggunakan layanan e - Government . Berdasarkan hal terse but, dapat dilihat bahwa masyarakat menjadi bagian penting di dalam berfungsinya e - Government . Hal ini disebabkan karena interaksi antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat pada e - Government dapat berjalan dengan baik jika ada partisipasi da ri masyarakat dalam m emanfaatkan e - Government . Penelitian ini mengukur penerimaan masyarakat terhadap layanan e - Government menggunakan model UTAUT yang terdiri dari enam variable utama yang mempengaruhi behavioral intention dan use behavior , variabel tersebut adalah privacy , trust , performance expectancy , effort expectancy , social influence , dan facilitating condition . Dalam model penelitian ini hubungan antar variabel dimoderasi oleh factor moderasi gender dan age . Untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel dalam model UTAUT me nggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) yang pengolahan datanya menggunakan software SPSS 17 dan AMOS 22 . Model UTAUT penelitian harus dipastikan sudah fit model supay a dapat digunakan untuk men guji pengaruh antar variabel. Indikator fit model dilihat dari nilai chi - square , probabilitas, FGI, AFGI, TLI, NFI, dan RMSEA. Setelah model penelitian sudah fit model maka dilakukan uji signifikan hubungan antar variabel. Dari hasil uji signifika n tersebut antinya diketahui fa k tor apa saja yang mempengar uhi pemanfaatan layanan e - Government di Kabupaten Klaten. Dari penelitian didapatkan fa k tor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan layanan e - Government di Kabupaten Klaten adalah privacy , trust , facilitating condition , dan factor moderasi age .KATA KUNCI: e - Government , UTAUT, SEMABSTRACT: The fast paced growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) nowadays has an impact to our daily life. This brought changes on various ICT based daily routines, including public services that is run by the Government. The changes were marked by the development of electric - government ( e - Government ). At Klaten, e - Government has been implemented by the creation of website that provides general information and interactive features about governmental activities. Despite the advancement of public service, the people who used it are still scarce which is shown by the lack of feedback or comments from the people of Klaten city. One of the most important factor to mark the success of e - Government is the willingness an d acceptance to adopt this new kind of public service. Based on this fact, it can be seen that people are an important factor to the successful and fully functional e - Government . This is especially true since e - Government were made by the government to bet ter maximize public services while the public itself must participate so the system can work like it was intended to. This research is intended to measure public acceptance toward e - Government services using the UTAUT model which is consist of six primary variables that influence behavioral intention and behavioral use, these variables are privacy, trust, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, a n d facilitating condition . In this kind of research the connection between variables are mod erated by factor of age and gender. To understand the relation between each variables in UTAUT model, Structural Equation Model (SEM) were used and the data were processed using SPSS 17 and AMOS 22. UTAUT model of research must be determined that it would fit in the model in order to test the influence of each variables. The Fit Model indicator can be seen from the values of chi - square, probability, FGI, AFGI, TLI, NFI, and RMSEA. After the model research has become a fit model then we continue to test the significance of each variable. The result of this significance test is factors that influence the usage of e - Government in Klaten are privacy, trust, facilitating condition, and age moderation.KEYWORD: e - Government , UTAUT, SEM