Pengembangan Program Preventive Maintenance Dengan Menggunakan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance Dan Pengadaaan Spare Part Berbasis Reliability

Okky Fajar Safitri

Informasi Dasar

128 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang elektronika dengan spesialisasi di bidang Sound and Communication. Produk yang diproduksi oleh PT. XYZ diantaranya adalah speaker, megaphone, amplifier, microphone, wireless equipment, dan sound system. Departemen yang ada di PT. XYZ diantaranya adalah Plastic Injection, Metal Machine, Spinning, Painting, dan Diaphragm. Corrective maintenance di setiap departemen masih sangat besar, sehingga hal tersebut menghambat proses produksi dan dapat berdampak pada menurunnya kepuasan customer. Oleh karena perlu dibuat kebijakan maintenance yang efektif demi kelancaran proses produksi. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan kebijakan preventive maintenance yang efektif dan efisien adalah metode RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenece) II. Selain itu, perhitungan kebutuhan spare part juga penting dalam menunjang kegiatan preventive maintenance, dengan menjamin ketersedian spare part yang dibutuhkan. Spare part dibagi berdasarkan jenis perbaikannya, yaitu repairable spare part dan non repairable spare part. Hasil dari pengolahan data didapatkan tujuh critical equipment diantaranya adalah oven, plastic injection, spinning automatic, bubut CNC, spinning manual, press excentric, dan mesin bubut manual. Untuk jenis kegiatan perawatan diperoleh schedule on-condition task sebanyak 31 kegiatan perawatan, schedule restoration task sebanyak 2 kegiatan perawatan dan schedule discard task sebanyak 20 kegiatan perawatan. Dengan total biaya perawatan sebesar Rp. 338.486.750. Jumlah spare part repairable adalah 27 buah dan spare part non repairable sebanyak 13 buah.KATA KUNCI: Preventive maintenance, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Spare partABSTRACT: PT. XYZ is a company engaged in electronics with specialization in the field of Sound and Communication. Products are manufactured by PT. XYZ such as megaphone, speakers, amplifier, microphone, wireless equipment, and sound system. Department in PT. XYZ are Metal Machine, Plastic Injection, Spinning, Painting, and Diaphragm. Corrective maintenance in every department is still very large, so that it would impede the production process and can have an impact on customer satisfaction is declining. Therefore need to be made effective maintenance policy for smooth production processes. One of the methods used to obtain the policy of preventive maintenance is an effective and efficient method of the RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenece) II. In addition, the calculation of spare part needs is also important in supporting the activities of preventive maintenance, with guarantees the availability of spare parts required. Spare part is divided based on the type of repair, i.e. repairable and non-repairable spare part spare part. The result of the processing of data obtained seven critical equipment such as oven, plastic injection, spinning automatic, CNC lathes, spinning manual, press excentric, and manual lathes. For this type of activity the care obtained schedule on-condition maintenance task as many as 31 activities, schedule restoration task as many as 2 maintenance task and schedule discard task as many as 20 maintenance task. With a total maintenance costs Rp. 175.658.375. number of repairable spare part as many as 27 spare parts and non repairable spare part as many as 13spare parts.KEYWORD: Preventive maintenance, Reliability Centered Maintenance, Spare part




Pengembangan Program Preventive Maintenance Dengan Menggunakan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance Dan Pengadaaan Spare Part Berbasis Reliability


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Okky Fajar Safitri
Sutrisno , Judi Alhilman


Universitas Telkom




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