ABSTRAKSI: Pengelolaan persediaan suku cadang sangatlah penting di industri hulu migas. Dengan fungsi utama mendukung aktifitas perbaikan mesin dan peralatan, kekosongan pada persediaan dapat berdampak pada menurunnya performansi operasi dan tingginya tingkat persediaan dapat menambah biaya operasional. Pada fasilitas pengolahan gas SKN milik JOB Pertamina Jambi Merang, tingginya tingkat persediaan suku cadang dimaksudkan untuk menghindari menurunnya performa beberapa mesin kritis yang berpengaruh terhadap performa operasi produksi di fasilitas tersebut.
Berdasarkan klasifikasi pola permintaan material suku cadang menggunakan analisis ADI-CV, diketahui bahwa pola permintaan suku cadang consumable bersifat lumpy demand dan berdistribusi poisson. Dibutuhkan pendekatan heuristics dengan model periodic review untuk dapat memecahkan memecahkan permasalah tingginya tingkat persediaan ini secara efektif dan efisien. Usaha mengurangi biaya total persediaan di sistem persediaan suku cadang consumable dilakukan dengan menerapkan kebijakan Periodi Review (R,s,S) dengan pendekatan Power Approximation untuk menentukan parameter persediaan.
Perhitungan biaya total persediaan kondisi usulan di JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang menggunakan kebijakan persediaan Periodic Review (R,s,S) mampu menurunkan biaya total persediaan hingga 8,54% lebih rendah dibanding biaya total persediaan kondisi aktual. Selain itu, kebijakan persediaan Periodic Review (R,s,S) mampu mendorong service level sebesar 1,11% lebih tinggi dibanding service level kondisi aktual.KATA KUNCI: Analisis ADI-CV, Lumpy Demand, Kebijakan Persediaan, Minimasi Biaya, Pengendalian Persediaan, Periodic Review (R,s,S), Power Approximation, Suku cadangABSTRACT: Spare parts inventory management is essentials to many upstream oil and gas company. Due to its main fuction to support maintenance of plant’s machines, the stockout of spare parts needed could harm the operation and decrease. In other hands, the higher level of spare parts inventory can increase the operation cost. At JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang’s SKN gas facility processing, higher inventory level of spare parts intended to avoid performance decreasing of some critical engine which affect the performance of production operation at the facility.
Based on demand pattern classification of spare parts material using ADI-CV analysis, the pattern of consumable spare parts’s demand known as lumpy demand and following Poisson distribution. Heuristics approach and periodic review model used to solve the overstock of consumable spare parts inventory. A cost reduction initiative for reduce total inventory cost of consumable spare parts performed by applying the Periodic Review policy (R,s,S) with Power Apporximation approach for determine the inventory parameter.
The application of Periodic Review policy (R,s,S) on JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang’s consumable spare parts inventory system can reduce the total inventory cost up to 8,54% lower than the existing total inventory cost. In other hand, the application ofPeriodic Review (R,s,S) can increase the consumable spare parts inventory system’s service level up to 1,11% higher than the existing service level.KEYWORD: ADI-CV Analysis, Cost Reduction, Inventory Control, Inventory Policy, Lumpy Demand, Periodic Review (R,s,S), Power Approximation, Spare Parts