ABSTRAKSI: KATA KUNCI: ABSTRACT: Batik is made from some processes, one of which is stamping. Batik stampling needs some main tools as first step to make the process of stampling. One of the main tools is table stampling. Operators work to do stamping on the table for 7 hours in one day, whereas the existing table using the regular table and not use a special table for batik stamping. Needs table modification in order to complete operator stamp needs, because regular table usually used foruserpremisessitting position while the operators on the standing position when stamping.
Previousresearch make ergonomic calculation to find width, length, and height of stampling table, so that the table not fatigue for operator when stamping process is running. The next research is continue the previous research to develop stamping table with the goal completed the operator needs. After that, the operator needs is complited can be generated some concepts and then inthe processbyseveral stagesof selectionprocessusingUlrich-Eppinger developmentphase1 and then The selectedconceptis testedbysubmitted operator. Concept is selected to conversionin the form ofa roughdesignandfinalspecifications.
The resultsofthe researchin the form of suggestion concepttabledesign to completed the operator needs on the prosess stamping is running, and completed criteria of ergonomics so that the operator avoid from fatigue.
KEYWORD: Suggestions repair, stamping table, ergonomic, Ulrich-Eppinger, product development.