ABSTRAKSI: Strawberry merupakan tanaman tropis yang terkenal dengan ciri khas rasa asam . Di Indonesia, daerah penyebaran strawberry masih terbatas di dataran tinggi yang ada di Jawa, Bali dan Sumatera . Salah satu penghasil strawberry di daerah Ciwidey, Jawa Bara t adalah Barokah Tani Agro Farm. Barokah Tani Agro Farm merupakan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) produsen strawberry yang berlokasi di Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung dan sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2002. Barokah Tani Agro Farm memiliki 200 petani dan memasarkan produknya ke daerah Jawa Barat dan Jakarta. Saat ini produksi strawberry Barokah Tani Agro Farm cukup baik justru semakin meningkat. N amun terdapat masalah dari penjualan strawberry yang semakin menurun dan keluhan konsumen terhadap kesegaran dari buah st rawberry, yang disebabkan oleh waktu proses distribusi yang cukup lama. . Oleh karena itu, penelitian in gin bertujuan untuk m erumuskan rekomendasi perbaikan proses bisnis distribusi strawberry fresh Barokah Tani Agro Farm. Proses bisnis eksisting dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Model - Based and Integrated Process Improvement (MIPI). Terdapat lima tahapan di dalam metode MIPI yang digunakan dalam penelitan ini, yaitu identifikasi kebutuhan bisnis, identifikasi proses bisnis eksisting, memodelkan dan anali sa proses, mendesain ulang proses usulan, dan implementasi proses bisnis usulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah proses bisnis distribusi yang lebih terstruktur , efektif dan efisien bagi Barokah Tani Agro Farm . Jika dilihat dari segi waktu didapatkan wak tu siklus eksisting sebesar 695.42 menit dan setelah mengalami perbaikan didapatkan waktu siklus usulan sebesar 362.67 menitKATA KUNCI: proses distribusi , Model - Based and Integrated Process Improvement (MIPI), proses bisnisABSTRACT: Strawberry is a tropical plant that well known as it's sour taste. In Indonesia, the distribution area of these plants is still limited only in the highlands of the Java, Bali and Sumatra Island. One of strawberry producers is Barokah Tani Agro Farm. It is located in Ciwi dey, West Java. It is also one of small medium enterprises that established since 2002. Barokah Tani Agro Farm has 200 farmers and already marketed its product in several area of West Java and Jakarta. In current situation, the production of Barokah Tani A rgo Farm strawberry's is good enough and tend to increase. But, there are some problems face by Barokah Tani Argo Farm such as the decrease of strawberry sales and consumer complaints about the freshness of fruits. It is caused by the distribution process that takes a long time. Therefore, the aim of this research is to formulate and to give a recommendation for the distribution business process of Barokah Tani Argo Farm. The existing business process is analysed using Model - Based and Integration Process I mplementation (MIPI) method. There are 5 steps of MIPI method that used in this research which the identification of business needs, the identification of an existing business process, the modelling and analyze process, the redesign of proposed business pr ocess and the implementation of proposed business process. The result gives more effective and efficient distribution business process for Barokah Tani Argo Farm. Based on time perspectives, the total of existing cycle time is 659.42 minutes and after exp eriencing improvement, the total of proposed cylce time now is 362.67 minutes.KEYWORD: the distribution process, model - based and integration process implementation (MIPI), the business process